Office Conference Room


Meetings are a key part of everyday business for employees of all ranks within the company. Conference room facilities are often limited in offices, leading to frequent conflicts when booking is administered manually. Rooms often sit unused when meeting plans have changed whilst other users are unsure of the room availability and are unable to conduct their meeting.

Part of our Space Planning solution, our PanL Room Manager (PRM) is an innovative room booking solution allowing users to book room resources at the touch of a button. PRM enables organizations to automatically manage room bookings and better utilise room resources within their estates.


Limited Booking Options

Lack of flexibility in booking methods (for example in last-minute bookings) can be very restrictive.

Synchronising with meeting attendees

Requiring meeting attendees to manually track invites and updates on their calendar makes collaboration difficult and error-prone.

Resource Hogging

Reliance on users to cancel bookings when plans change leads to poor utilisation and inefficient conference room utilisation.

Lack of Insight

Inefficiencies in room utilisation can be difficult to identify from simple manual observation.

Lack of Policies

Relying on employees to adhere to company booking policies and to use resources efficiently can be ineffective.

Recurring Bookings

It is common for meetings to repeat on a regular basis. Manual booking of recurring meetings can be prone to errors and resource conflicts in the following weeks or months.


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Some of the Key Features and Benefits include:

Easily book room resources

Users can easily book room resources via on-the-spot booking, or by advanced booking via the outlook add-in/mobile application for the office environment. Clear LED indicators on the PD100 displays make it easy for users to spot free meeting rooms.

Collaborate with team members

Integration and synchronization with existing Microsoft Outlook calendars seamlessly allow users to send invites and receive notifications for upcoming room bookings with required team members.

Check in an auto release of rooms

The system enables the auto release of room resources if not claimed within a defined time frame to prevent resource hogging and improve space utilization in the office environment.

Improve Room Efficiency

Statistics can be accessed from the PRM console which provides insights and useful data on room utilisations allowing users to better manage resources and estate returns.

Managed Spaces

Easily form user or space groupings and apply policies or permissions across them quickly to effectively control access to your room resources.

Recurring bookings

Users may wish to block book room resources for projects and the PRM system allows for recurring bookings so they can ensure a room resource is available when needed.

The image shows a typical PanL Room Manager system implemented in an office environment, where each conference room resource would have an accompanying PD100 display. The PRM system is perfectly suited to providing an agile room booking solution for conference rooms in an office environment. Users can book rooms as required while the system backend enables maximization of room utilisation by ensuring unclaimed rooms are released to other users. PRM facilitates a flexible working environment by ensuring room scheduling is easy and enabling ad-hoc room bookings.


Easily book room resources

Users can easily book room resources via on-the-spot booking, or by advanced booking via the outlook add-in/mobile application for the office environment. Clear LED indicators on the PD100 displays make it easy for users to spot free meeting rooms.

Collaborate with team members

Integration and synchronization with existing Microsoft Outlook calendars seamlessly allow users to send invites and receive notifications for upcoming room bookings with required team members.

Check in and auto release of rooms

The system enables the auto release of room resources if not claimed within a defined time frame to prevent resource hogging and improve space utilization in the office environment.

Check in and auto release of rooms Improve Room Efficiency

Statistics can be accessed from the PRM console which provides insights and useful data on room utilisations allowing users to better manage resources and estate returns.

Managed Spaces

Easily form user or space groupings and apply policies or permissions across them quickly to effectively control access to your room resources.

Recurring bookings

Users may wish to block book room resources for projects and the PRM system allows for recurring bookings so they can ensure a room resource is available when needed.


Staff needs to regularly monitor soil and water quality in outdoor fields to check if they are conducive for the plants.

Visually not possible to determine and assess the soil and water quality.

Misjudgement in soil and water quality leads to frequent soil and water changes causing

  • (a) labour wastage,
    (b) water wastage,
    (c) energy wastage and
    (d) plant distress.

Difficulty in maintaining regular watering schedule

  • ((a) shortage/emergency leave taken by staff
    (b) other tasks undertaken by staff
    (c) overlook of watering times
